We are giving total information to start beekeeping .

You can start beekeeping in just 225000 /- rupees only and you can start beekeeping in august to September .it is best for start the beekeeping because the cost of total investment recovering in this months.

Unit cost of 80 no. of bee colonies

Non recurring expenditure :-

  1.  cost of 10 no. of beehives per box 2000*80 =160000/-
  2. cost of 80 bee box 400 =32000/-
  3. cost of apiery equipment (bee-veil ,honey tent , bee-tool ,bee-brush) =5000/-
  1. cost of honey units + uncapping tray = 12500/-
  2. bee wax sheet 1 kg =350/- per kg

Return of production

Honey production 80 rupees *40 kg = 3200Rs per Box

3200Rs*80Bee Box= Rs256000

Man Skill Labors cost 5000*12 = 60000

Man Unskilled cost 3500*12 =42000

Migration charge =20000

Feed charge annual = 10000

Total = 132000

New 25 box *700/-each = 17500

Net profit = 149500

Return expenses = Honey production – net profit = 272000 – 149500 = 122500/-

Bee’s increase(25*1800) = 45000/-

Net profit annual =167500/-

this is good busness.

starting beekeeping first must training our farm . training is free .